How can I be sure my account disabled? Google AdSense Program Policies retired to practice fraud. The most important thing a publisher can do to ensure the integrity of the site to find out what's been happening on your site. Google is not very clear, ask your own ads or make others were burned. But the process can not lead to a publisher? Make sure that the ads displayed on Google within a pan-up is never excessive. May not be included in the purchase of traffic to your Web site errors are spoken. Google respects the trademark. Do not adopt marks or logos of Google without your consent. Do not modify the AdSense code. If you are a professional HTML. If you use HTML, it's easy to copy and paste the code provided. Hold your not him. Set a good environment for advertisers and users a positive experience. Do not try to cheat in any way. Google may appear rigid rules, but believe me, protecting the integrity of the Google AdSense program, Google is in their interests. In fact, positive pricing means that the Google Adsense program, which we honestly. Useful books for the Google AdSense program for users of all levels need to buy to use Google AdSense? Not necessarily. Google Support site has a lot of information. But you can see if you read the personal accounts of the estimated staff assistant Eric AdSense, or notify you if you want to know more to learn HTML. 'Anyone who writes a blog: A look at the hyper-linked to the world of blogging by the Rock-the company has a lot of information about blogs and information about Google Adsense. Here is a book only two or three can be found at Topic: Digital Make Easy Money with Google: Using the AdSense Advertising Program by Eric Gigue Google AdSense Handbook by Angus McLeod Google Advertising Tools: Cash Money AdSense, AdWords and the Google APIs by Harold Davis and higher paying Google AdSense AdWords Keywords for Pharmaceuticals (W Guide). Frederick Zimmerman Complete Idiot grow your business with Google's Dave Taylor

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