And it's possible for me to have more than one location on my Google AdSense account?

Yes, the more sites you see the Google AdSense ads, the more money you will make. They did not even need Google Sites for the new registry. However, the concern would be that respond to each new site you add Google AdSense Program Policies, because if your account is terminated for any reason not be able to make the Google AdSense ads on one of them.

Everything you need to do is copy and paste the same ad layout code you previously copied and pasted to your original site.

The same rules apply when you add an AdSense for search box to your new website. Simply select all the parameters of the displayed options, copy the code in the new site or new pages within the old site. As the beginning, the Google crawler recognize the code and you're done.
Will help me to buy Google Adsense "and" The Secrets of board and reports?

As with all companies to earn money, there are pitfalls, pros and cons and some downright disadvantages. As popular as Google Adsense has become, is not surprising, there is a wealth of information for sale. Try it. Google AdSense and you'll see what I mean. There are those who are promising thousands of dollars a month from Google Adsense and are prepared to offer to share their "secrets" with you - for a price.

The fact is Google Adsense will tell you everything you need to know - free. They have a support site that almost everything you need to run the program and his experience, you will teach the rest covers know, although I admit that I have seen some interesting book on

There are plenty of people out there in cyberspace, you answer your questions free of charge and there are many forums where clause can ask you. You can also e-mail from Google Adsense support staff if you have questions, their support site did not respond.

Experience will probably be the best teacher. And the good news is that the Google AdSense program is that it painless experience that makes you have nothing to lose. So just the opportunity for you, for now. Learn everything possible to maximize your profits.

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