Rules for invalid clicks and control

Posted by admin-davit Wednesday, December 8, 2010 0 comments

What was so much important that not valid cubicles and how to do anything? Also, he has finished big does not exist press it is not valid and his rapid account, that any rest. With other words, not valid cubicles, when you will press his announcements to the publishers to increase the benefit. IT DARES has asked also, other publishers, they press his announcements to increase the income. And also the announcers Google this has estimated to suffer AOS, AOT. Google Adsense is the state of the art and to know that it happens in ОСА. Not valid cubicles to take place also, when someone uses the robots for the cubicles for the announcements or the automated software. And " the practice of the trick to press the announcements. Not valid cubicles are not necessary, since There Are many ways for the receipt of the money to create the real cubicles. This place оптимизирован for the work with interesting and the information útila and the publicity, is not the base for all IT them DARES, the idea of not valid кликов. After the cross-check of his аккаунта AdSense the finished control is the editor for the direction the publicity in the веб-place. You can choose only the graphic announcements, only the announcements of text, or the combination of both shows. Google recomenda to use the combination ambo to choose to increase the income, but the decision remains for you. The work to the decision to choose freedom, the character of the announcements on his account (the image or the text), or you can limit the decision of the type of the presentation of the true page, do. Of this moment, instead of for the rating кликов to the reporting in the plane of the image, that defer the announcements щелкните the text. You can press the prices it changes from the place to the place, comparing with other places. We will take, for example, only the graphic announcements in the place and only the announcements of text in another place. Along with the creation of the channel on both parts of the footpath, you can see, which part has the button higher the putting. Certainly, we ertimos the factors, when you see the representations of the text or the graphs. The integration of the maintenance of the reporting in the rule, the difference in color. To look at the support at the program Google AdSense for the concrete instructions on that one, as embragar or to disconnect the demonstration of the graphic announcements.

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