Click Fround

Posted by admin-davit Tuesday, July 27, 2010 0 comments

Google adSense for nubie-Google Adsense is a fun and easy way to earn extra money. It is important to follow the rules, but if Google seriously the integrity of the program. Failure to comply may result in your Google AdSense account is closed. Here are a few Don'ts for using the program:


Never, never, never on your own ads. Google Adsense makes it very clear that this will not be tolerated.

Do not ask your friends and family to click on ads. Instead, they had to earn money for the Google AdSense program.

Do not participate in the Google AdSense program is solely for the money. This is not a Get-Rich-Quick system. It will take time and hard work to make a profit.

Do not worry if you do not understand everything the first day. While the Google AdSense program is extremely easy to use, a little time to integrate to be complete the program. Be patient and above all enjoy!

Hopefully these tips to help you in using the program and help you avoid mistakes that could cost you time or money.
by-Google adSense for nubie

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