PIN code for Google AdSense

Posted by admin-davit Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1 comments

Google adSense for nubie-I need a PIN code for Google AdSense?

If you accumulate $ 50.00 in earnings, Google Adsense will send you a personal identification number (PIN) to the address that your payment if you have registered. This is just a precaution that Google Adsense has learned their publishers to protect, but it's important.

Once you have your PIN number, which payments are pending sent until you entered your PIN into your account. You can still access your account and make money, just until the PIN code is entered to be paid. If within a year, your account will be disabled.

To enter the PIN after receiving the mail, log into your AdSense account. Click the Account tab, click Edit. Update a the appropriate box and click Submit Changes. It was a good time to review your contact information and to ensure that to correct it. You're on your way to the office of first payment by Google
BY -Google adSense for nubie

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  1. I will send postal mail from US via email

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